Personal Details
Your Name:
Company Name
Details for Press Release
Project Name (Assign the Press release a unique name)
Address (Address including City, State, Zip [100 chars max])
Phone number (Including area code. Ex: +1 (234) 234-7890. Can be fictitious but should appear legitimate [50 chars max])
Contact Name (Pen Names OK, but name should appear as a real name [100 chars max])
Email (Cannot be free email account, IE; Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail. The address used should be from the domain you are promoting and be a valid working Em address [100 chars max])
Event URL/Main URL (The main page where we can research your Business [255 chars max])
Event Description (Describe about the product, service, event etc for which the press release is being published)
Important Points (Important points that need to be made in this press release (255 chars max). This can be a new product, any changes at the company, etc. Ideally, something that the news outlets are able to report on.)
Business Summary
Project Logo Url (JPG, PNG, GIF only, maximal image size 500x500px, minimal image size 50x50px). To get the URL for your image, right click and select 'Copy Image Address')
Please input URLs and keywords for each URL: If you used a link instead of a keyword in the previous three fields, please be aware that we will not code these using HTML. They will be included in the Press Release as text (255 chars max).
Check this box to make the links on your press release nofollow We recommend nofollow links, but the news outlets will ultimately choose whether they are follow or nofollow. Most media outlets (70-80%) use no-follow as a default.